resources from the vera institute of justice
resources by reform category:
Reimagining Prison: Web Report [Special Report]
Incarceration's Front Door: The Misuse of Jails in America (Full Report, Infographic)
The Human Toll of Jail (Special Report & Stories)
Tulsa County Jail Report (Full Report)
In Our Backyards: Immigration Detention and the Smell of Money (Story)
Why Reporting on Undocumented Immigrants Tethered to ICE Is Challenging, by Ryan Katz for 70 Million (Blog Post/Narrative)
A Different Type of Night Court, by Jesse Alejandro Cottrell for 70 Million (Blog Post/Narrative)
Racial Inequity:
An Unjust Burden: The Disparate Treatment of Black Americans in the Criminal Justice System (Full Report)
Prosecution and Public Defense:
The State of Justice Reform: Prosecutors Step into the Spotlight of Justice Reform (Yearly Highlights)
Behind the Scenes of Public Defense (Narrative)
A Prosecutor's Guide to Advancing Racial Equity (Full Report)
Women and Jail:
Overlooked: Women and Jails in an Era of Reform [Full Report]
Foster Care:
Girls Matter: Centering Gender in Status Offense Reform Efforts [Resource with Toolkits]
Just Kids: When Misbehaving is a Crime [Resource with Toolkits]
Youth Who Chronically AWOL from Foster Care [Publication]
What Keeps Children in Foster Care from Succeeding in Schools? [Publication]
The Opioid Crisis and Criminal Justice:
David and Goliath: A Small City Police Department Takes Aim at a Monster Epidemic [Narrative]
A New Normal: Addressing Opioid Use Through The Criminal Justice System [Publication & Video]
Minimizing Harm: Public Health and Justice System Responses to Drug Use and the Opioid Crisis [Publication]
How Bail Works [Video]
Against the Odds: Experimenting with Alternative Forms of Bail in New York City’s Criminal Courts [Full Report]
Past Due: Examining the Costs and Consequences of Charging for Justice in New Orleans [Publication]
Bail, Fines, and Fees: How they Impact Poor Communities in New Orleans [Video]